Four Fishing Shows Worth Watching

A combination of weather and fatherly duties has slowed down my fishing lately. In times like these, I am forced to turn to the Internet to feed my fishing habit. Call it fishing porn, if you like (No, not that kind, you sick little monkeys). I’m talking about online fishing shows where you can at least see other people stalking and landing fish when you can’t do it yourself. It’s a great way to visit an exotic localem and learn about new target species and techniques, all from the comfort of your computer desk.
Here is a short list of some of my favorite online anglers in no particular order. Feel free to add your own picks in the comments below.
Addictive Fishing
Blair Wiggins’s Florida-based angling show one of the more professionally produced of fishing programs online because it is technically a syndicated cable television show with a big Internet presence. As such, it pumped up with of plenty of action, a driving soundtrack and jarring jump cuts. Wiggins is an enthusiastic host who truly seems to enjoy his job—and who wouldn’t when you get to fish for a living. Most episodes focus on Florida’s Atlantic and Gulf coasts with occasional forays to other Gulf Coast fishing grounds and even the occasional freshwater outing. Nearly every episode can be found on the Addictive Fishing YouTube channel or the show’s own Web site. Get ready for endless of product plugs, but hey, they have to pay the bills somehow.
Sport Fishing with Dan Hernandez
This show has a special place in my heart because it focuses on my home fishing grounds—the coastal waters of Southern California. While not as energetic as Blair Wiggins, Dan Hernandez has a friendly charm that’s hard to resist. While not as slickly produced as Addictive Fishing, for me that’s part of the appeal. Let’s face it, I enjoy watching anglers engage in the kind of fishing I grew up on—party boats going after calico bass, yellowtail and white sea bass around the Channel Islands. Again, get ready for plenty of product plugs, but that’s the nature of the beast.
Babs Kijewski’s World of Fishing
OK, I’ll admit that I don’t understand a word that German blogger, outdoor journalist, video host and avid angler Babs Kijewski is saying in her fishing clips, but I sure enjoy watching them. Is it the pure joy she expresses with each catch? Certainly. Is it the pleasure I get from the picturesque settings and the exotic (to me) species she fishes for? Mmm, maybe. Is it that Babs is very easy on the eyes and frequently fishes (on warm days) in a bikini and little else? Well…er….cough. (I’m so ashamed).
Finally, you probably won’t find a fishing videographer more different than those previously mentioned above than Uncle Steve. Laid back and low-tech, starting each clip with his signature greeting “hello boys and girls….of all ages,” Uncle Steve can best be described as the Mister Rogers angling video hosts. As he tromps through the woods and backwaters around his native Raleigh, North Carolina searching out new fishing holes, you feel a bit like a kid again. No fish is too humble for Uncle Steve; he gives equal attention to bass and bream, catfish and chub, delighting in catching even a palm-sized bluegill. No fancy equipment here either, he usually favors a pair of inexpensive spincasting rods. The simplicity of the show makes it almost hypnotic. Everything is shot from a stationary camera while the host provides running commentary, occasionally striking up a conversation with a passing hiker or couple paddling by in a canoe. I can pour myself a glass of wine, sit back and lose myself for hours Uncle Steve’s adventures.
What’s your favorite online fishing show?