November Snakehead Morning

On a recent rainy Sunday morning, I headed to the fishing grounds we have dubbed "Tombstone" for its proximity to a hillside graveyard for some mid-Autumn snakehead hunting. This is actually a system of ponds with varying depths and amounts of cover. Joining me was new angliing friend and recent California transpant William Ting. Will is an experienced angler both on freshwater and in the ocean, but this was his first time stalking snakehead. He certainly seems to be a fast learner because in no time he bagged a pair of nice blotched snakehead on a hollow-body topwater frog, in spite of the chilly (for Taiwan) and wet weather.

Reader Comments (1)
Awesome pics of gorgeous fish! I'm going to be coming to Taiwan for the next several months and I really want to get in to fishing for Snake Head. I'm from Utah and I've NEVER gone after Snakehead successfully before. I would love some tips and pointers on where I should start!